The Rhodope

The Rhodope mountains cover the South of Bulgaria. Megalithic sites are mainly located in the Eastern Rhodope region. The sites of the Eastern Rhodope are characterized by heavy erosion patterns due to seemingly prolonged periods of time under water and possibly intense volcanic activity.

Perperikon in the Eastern Rhodope

The Rhodope mountains cover the South of Bulgaria. Megalithic sites are mainly located in the Eastern Rhodope region.

The sites of the Eastern Rhodope are characterized by heavy erosion patterns due to seemingly prolonged periods of time under water and possibly intense volcanic activity.


The Eastern Rhodope has a high density of megalithic sites.

The region is close to the Black Sea basin which was the conduit for flood waters into the Thracian and Danube plains. It is also close to the Aegean Sea and Mediterranean basin.

There are said to have been 2 active volcanoes in the region of Studen Kladenets which might have provoked the heavy erosion patterns we see in combination with the high water levels.


Many of the pyramidal formations look like rounded-top hills.

The megalithic sites are located at lower elevations around 300 metres altitude which might explain why they are so heavily eroded. This region might have been underwater from long periods of time when sea levels were much higher.


In the Eastern Rhodope we find many large pyramidal formations as well as some stone circles from a later epoch.

The large pyramidal formations including the base and largest stones at Perperikon date back probably to the early Lemurian epoch. The smaller triangular shaped stones such as those found at Perperikon would then date back to the early Atlantean epoch.

The stone cirlces with smaller standing stones might date to an even later Atlantean epoch which could be equated with the Ukun Pacha period.


The stones are from a quartz cement mix with some kind that contains yellow sandstone. In some locations a few standing stones are made from a red clayish quartz cement.

The Rhodope band of megalithic sites includes:

    A huge pyramidal formation that was later used by the Thracians as a temple.

    The Pyramid of Tatarevo is surrounded by multiple megalithic sites.

    Beli Plast
    Beli Plast is a group of heavily eroded megaliths.

    Kovil is a megalithic site that seems to have been heavily eroded by both water and volcanic activity.

    Dolni Glavanak
    Dolni Glavanak is a stone circle standing on top of a pyramidal formation.

The Megaliths  of the Rhodope
Article Name
The Megaliths of the Rhodope
The megalithic sites of the Eastern Rhodope are characterized by heavy erosion patterns due to seemingly prolonged periods of time under water and possibly intense volcanic activity.
Publisher Name
Bulgaria Pyramid
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