The Double Pyramid of Sokolitsa


Sokolitsa is a double pyramid that is located in close proximity to many other megalithic sites. There are megaliths from the Lemurian and Atlantean epochs.


The Middle Mountain band of megalithic sites

Sokolitsa is located in the Middle Mountain band of megalithic sites.

The neighbouring sites

Sokolitsa is surrounded by many megalithic sites, many of which have not yet been visited and added to the inventory. Some are already inventorised:

    Rozovets is one of the most extensive and best preserved megalithic sites in Bulgaria.

    Mihiltsi is a megalithic site that has both Lemurian and Atlantean stones.

    The Double Pyramid of Bania is an elongated pyramid with 2 summits and concourse.

    Hisaria is a pyramid that is decorated with many clusters and standing stones.

    The megaliths of Begovo are a cluster of stone formations positioned on top of a pyramidal formation.

    The Double Pyramid of Pesnopoy is a very large pyramid that is aligned East-West.

    The Pyramid of Stryama tells us how megalithic sites are connected as a network to form a grid.

    Ivan Vazovo
    Ivan Vazovo is a series of megalithic structures with large rounded boulders and standing stones.



The Western summit of the double pyramid of Sokolitsa is at 350 metres elevation.


The double pyramid is heavily eroded both by water over long periods of time but also by human destruction.

Design of the pyramid

The North-East summit of the double pyramid is slightly more elevated than the South-West summit.

Specific rock formations

The South-East corner has a large promontory.


The double pyramid is aligned North-East to South-West.


There are several levels at Sokolitsa.


Periods of construction

At Sokolitsa we find both Lemurian stones that are larger and less well finished and relatively smaller better finished Atlantean stones.

The size of stones

The Lemurian stones are much larger and are usually found under the Atlantean stones that are relatively smaller.

The shape of the stones

Some early-Atlantean megaliths are triangular shaped.

Inclination of the stones

Some megaliths are inclined away from the Sun at around 20 degrees off a North-South angle.


In some megaliths we find suture marks.


Type of stone

The megaliths at Sokolitsa are made from a granite composite that has quartz crystals.

Lines of quartz blocks in the granite

In some megaliths there are diagonal lines of quartz blocks at around 50 degrees off an East-West axis that reminds us of the golden ratio, the divine proportion found in nature and the cosmos.

Grid lines of quartz underground

There are probably grid lines of quartz that underpin the megalithic site.

The Double Pyramid of Sokolitsa
Article Name
The Double Pyramid of Sokolitsa
Sokolitsa is a double pyramid where there are megaliths from the Lemurian and Atlantean epochs.
Publisher Name
Bulgaria Pyramid
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