Atlantis at the Pyramids of Bulgaria

Atlantis is more than just a lost continent. It is an epoch in the evolution of humanity. At the Bulgarian pyramids we distinguish at least 2 epochs of pyramid building. The first epoch is associated with Lemuria and the second epoch is associated with the early-Atlanteans.

Watch the documentary on Atlantis at the pyramids of Bulgaria

Atlantean Stones

The megaliths associated with the epoch when humanity lived on Atlantis is characterised by:

  • Smaller megaliths than the Lemurian epoch
  • Well-finished and rounded megaliths that are smaller than those from the preceding Lemurian epoch
  • The Atlantean megaliths are often triangular or rhombus shaped
  • Some standing stones are purposefully inlaid with diagonal lines of quartz that remind us of Golden ratio

Finally, Atlantean megaliths are always found on top of the larger, bulkier and less-well finished Lemurian ones.

Atlantean stones look like they were made from granite composite that was soft and malleable before hardening in a similar way clay is used today to make objects.

Rudolf Steiner helps us make sense of what we see on the ground. His reading of the Akasha Chronicle, related in the series of lectures: Cosmic Memory, Prehistory of Earth and Man, explain how the early-Atlanteans could harness the germinal energy in a pile of grain to transform nature including stone matter.

The Atlanteans could control what one calls the life force. As today one extracts the energy of heat from coal and transforms it into motive power for our means of locomotion, the Atlanteans knew how to put the germinal energy of organisms into the service of their technology. […] Think of a kernel of seed-grain. In this an energy lies dormant. His energy causes the stalk to sprout from the kernel. Nature can awaken this energy that reposes in the seed. Modern man can do it at will. He must bury the seed in the ground and leave the awakening to the forces of nature. The Atlantean could do something else. He knew how one can change the energy of a pile of grain into technical power, just as modern man can change the heat energy of a pile of coal into such power. p.43

Whilst the earlier Lemurians harnessed the energy of volcanic activity, the early-Atlanteans could transform the energy of nature found in seeds.

Atlantis in the Middle Mountain

Atlantean stones are found mainly in the Middle Mountain band of megalithic sites like Rozovets and the Double Pyramid of Bania.

North of the Central Balkan we do not find the same Atlantean stones. Does this mean that the North was not inhabited during the Atlantean epoch? Maybe because of flooding from the Paratethys Sea?

Urun Pacha / Atlantean stones

In our methodology we try to find connections with other megalithic sites around the world because we believe that we are listening to a message on the evolution of mankind on a global scale.

In Peru there are 3 distinct epochs of megalith building. In the Inca tradition, the middle epoch is called Urun Pacha. It is best known for the walls of Cusco and Sacsayhuaman. The limestone megalith blocks look like they were moulded before being set into the wall.

They match in style the epoch of the Atlantean stones found in Bulgaria because they are rounded and better finished than the stones from the earlier epoch called Hanan Pacha that we associate in Bulgaria with Lemuria. See link to video above.

The Inca creation myth corresponds to Steiner’s reading of the Akasha Chronicle, reported in Cosmic Memory. He mentions that air and water density were different from today. Mineral matter such as human bones and stone too did not have the same firmness or density as we experience it now.

Furthermore, in the Inca tradition the Urun Pacha epoch corresponds to a time when Earth orbited closer to the Sun. It had a 260 day orbit.

During the earlier Hanan Pacha epoch, equivalent to the Lemurian epoch, megaliths were larger and lumpier in Machu Picchu, as Earth orbited even closer to the Sun with a 220 day orbit. So the distance to the Sun determined the shape of the megaliths. The Inca tradition corresponds to Steiner’s interpretation of the opening verses of the Bible read through the lens of the Akasha Chronicle. Rudolf Steiner explains the meaning behind the famous words of creation… and explains their meaning as Earth came into being by separating from the Sun and Moon. The notion of a progressive distancing between Earth, Sun and Moon meets the Inca tradition. The distance determined the evolution of Man on Earth as well as the stages of creation of pyramids and megaliths we still see today.

The Atlantean stones are a reminder of the second incarnation of humanity during the Atlantean epoch.

Atlantean Stones at Rozovets

Transcript of the video documentary on Atlantis

Atlantis is more than a lost continent. It is an epoch in the evolution of humanity.

And at the Bulgarian pyramids we witness the transition from Lemuria to Atlantis in the art set in stone by the pyramid builders.

Talking to stones in Bulgaria… and listening to the memories of Atlantis.

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There are at least 2 distinct epochs of stone making at the pyramids of Bulgaria. The first epoch is associated with Lemuria for which we have a dedicated documentary. The link is below. The second epoch is associated with the early-period of Atlantis.

Lemurian stones
As we see in Rozovets and Beglik Tash for example, Lemurian stones are bigger and have a rough shape. They look like solidified magma.

The large building blocks that form the pyramids can also be attributed to the Lemurian epoch.

Atlantean stones
By comparison, Atlantean stones are smaller, better finished and have specific recognisable geometric shapes.

In Rozovets we see perfectly rounded megaliths that are smaller in size. They look like hanging fruit inclined towards the Sun. And they are positioned on top of large granite slabs from the earlier Lemurian epoch.

In Dolni Glavanak the base stones that form the pyramid are large slabs of granite from the Lemurian epoch. The smaller standing stones from the Atlantean period are lined up in a circle. They look like a pow-wow of petrified elders.

Quartz for example is used during both Lemurian and Atlantean epochs. During the Lemurian epoch it is used on a much larger scale. Large lines form grids that underpin extensive megalithic sites.

During the Atlantean epoch the use of quartz is smaller in scale and more precise. In Bania and Sokolitsa we find standing stones with a quartz diagonal line that reminds us of the Golden ratio, the divine proportion, that reflects cosmic harmony on Earth.

In Koprivshtitsa we find rounded spheres and similar oval shaped megaliths that were reconverted during communism as tombstones.

In Skumsale a rock formation from the Lemurian epoch is capped by a well rounded oval megalith from the later Atlantean epoch. It is located near a 3-dimensional triangular megalith that has a horseshoe shaped trough on top.

In Rozovets we find compressed granite in the distinct form of a rhombus.

And in Bania there is a rhombus shaped granite rock.

The precision of these designs is specific to the Atlantean epoch.

Overall, Atlantean stones are smaller and better finished with precise geometric shapes. And they are fewer in number. Positioned at prominent locations they are like one-off decorative pieces. And they are always on top of the bigger and rough-shaped Lemurian stones.

The 2 distinct epochs of stone art can be explained by the environment, the level of human development and the techniques used.

Conditions on Earth
Conditions on Earth evolved from the time of the early Lemurians through to the first Atlanteans in the direction of a greater densification of matter. There is a link to the video on Lemuria below. Matter including plants, minerals and stones became firmer.

Lemurians had been able to transform the nature around them like gods with their thoughts and emotions. Atlanteans needed to use an external source of energy.

Rudolf Steiner Cosmic Memory, Prehistory of Earth and Man:

The Atlanteans could control what one calls the life force. As today one extracts the energy of heat from coal and transforms it into motive power for our means of locomotion, the Atlanteans knew how to put the germinal energy of organisms into the service of their technology. […] Think of a kernel of seed-grain. In this an energy lies dormant. This energy causes the stalk to sprout from the kernel. Nature can awaken this energy that reposes in the seed. Modern man cannot do it at will. He must bury the seed in the ground and leave the awakening to the forces of nature. The Atlantean could do something else. He knew how one can change the energy of a pile of grain into technical power, just as modern man can change the heat energy of a pile of coal into such power.

The Atlantean could harness the germinal energy in a pile of grain to transform nature including stone but he now needed an external source of energy because matter had become harder.

External organs of perception
Whilst the Lemurian did not have a fully-formed hard shell of a body, the Atlantean developed a hard skeleton and this had 2 implications.

The Atlantean became isolated from nature and his environment. As a result he no longer understood the processes of nature intuitively and could no longer influence nature like a god.

Increase personal energy
Additionally the Atlantean lost the Lemurians’ ability to increase his strength at Will.

All in all, the densification of matter, the loss of intuitive understanding of nature and the inability to increase his own strength at will reduced the Atlantean to produce smaller megaliths.

On the other hand, the Atlantean gained from the densification of matter by having a hard body. He developed external organs of perception such as eyes, hands, ears etc to enjoy better external sensory organs. Thus he developed clearer sight, whilst the Lemurian had lived in constant blurriness.

As a result the Atlantean could create finer megaliths like the standing stone of Bania with a precisely positioned line of quartz that reflects the Golden ratio.

With better eyes and sight and hands and touch the early-Atlantean was able to mold and compress granite into precise shapes like the 3D triangle of Skumsale and the square platform in Buzovgrad.

New faculties were acquired as old ones were lost.

[…] what thus was won within, with respect to the faculty of thought, was lost with respect to the control of external natural forces. […] One need only realize that each time a new faculty develops in an organism, an old faculty loses power and acuteness.

As Man became more entangled in matter, he lost his connection to the spiritual world. He lost some god-like powers to gain more earthbound faculties.

One of the consequences of this development was the appearance of memory.

“They [the Atlanteans] had a highly developed memory. This memory was one of their most prominent mental faculties.”

Early-Atlanteans developed an external memory that was connected to locations. See the documentary on Giants linked below. It explains why we find single standing stones in specific locations at megalithic sites. They are the memory of giants set in granite and the precursors to modern-day statues.

Seamless transition
As we saw there is a distinction between Lemurian stones and Atlantean ones at the pyramids of Bulgaria.

But there are also many stones that straddle both epochs.

Examples of both epochs
The standing stones of Rozovets and the column of Skumsale are just some examples of megaliths that seem to straddle both epochs. They have characteristics that belong to both Lemurian and Atlantean techniques.

The standing stones of Rozovets are made from one piece of granite that seems to have been molded like clay into a teardrop shape. Each megalith stands at over 5m high and around 1.8 m wide. Compared to the rough magma-like plinths on which they stand they look more Atlantean in shape and technique. Yet their humongous size reminds us of Lemurian stones.

The Tetrahedron in Rozovets is a massive 3 dimensional triangle that has a hypotenuse of 22m and is made from several megaliths themselves triangular with a base of 6m. It has both the massive bulky shape of the late-Lemurian epoch and it stands on the side of a steep hill slope. And it has the precise geometrical form at both the level of the individual pieces and in its totality. See the video on Rozovets. There is a link below.

In Skumsale a bulky megalith is 2m tall and around 3m wide. It has the distinct rough finishing of the late-Lemurian epoch and two clear triangular shapes that can be associated with the early-Atlantean epoch.

Another example in Skumsale is the roughly shaped 3 dimensional triangular boulder with 3 incisions that look early-Atlantean.

Soon we will have a documentary on number 3 at the pyramids of Bulgaria. Click to subscribe and be notified.

These are just some examples of megaliths that have Lemurian and Atalntean characteristics.

Location in the Middle Mountain
If we look at the location of Atlantean stones and count them we notice that they are much fewer than the Lemurian ones and most are located in the Middle Mountain.

It is possible that after the volcanic catastrophes that destroyed Lemuria there was a reduction in the overall human population. Some survivors that made up the first Atlantean population in the lands of Bulgaria were probably few in number.

On the ground the erosion patterns North in the Central Balkan as well as South East in the Rhodope seem to be telling us about megafloods up to 900 metres high over a long period of time. Maybe the Middle Mountain survived as an island in a sea of huge and prolonged natural catastrophes. Eventually, the early-Atlanteans would have moved on from the lands of Bulgaria further West to start the new phase of humanity’s evolution on the continent of Atlantis.

What is most important for us is that the stones of the pyramids tell us what happened in the lands of Bulgaria. Regions like the Middle Mountain were used by both Lemurians and Atlanteans. Bulgaria was a bridge, a transition point in both space and time between these 2 stages in the evolution of humanity.

Validation of Rudolf Steiner

And Rudolf Steiner’s reading of the Akasha Chronicle confirms this seamless transition from Lemuria to Atlantis. The transition from late-Lemurian to early-Atlantean took place over a very long period of time.

[…] one must not imagine that one subrace immediately disappears when a new one develops. Each one may maintain itself for a long time while others are developing beside it. Thus there are always populations which show different stages of development living beside each other on earth.

And the stones of the Bulgarian pyramids confirm the knowledge kept in the Akasha Chronicle regarding the transition from Lemuria to Atlantis.

Fire vs Water
Lemuria was characterised by fire, whilst Atlantis was characterized by water. The first perished in the flames of massive volcanic eruptions that were the result of uncontrolled Luceferic impulses. Atlantis eventually perished under the waves of the ocean submerged by overwhelming Ahramanic influences.

The story of a seamless transition from Lemuria to Atlantis, from fire to water, from Lucifer to Ahraman has been told for millenia in the form of an image: the hexagram. It represents the triangle of fire rising crossing the triangle of water descending.

Humanity passed through both extremes before finding the middle ground in the next phase of its journey during the Post-Atlantean epoch.

You are welcome to help us decipher the message held in the stones by participating in the Bulgaria Pyramid Project. There is a link to our website in the description below.

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Atlantean Stones at the Bulgarian Pyramids
Article Name
Atlantean Stones at the Bulgarian Pyramids
The relatively smaller and better-finished Atlantean stones are found on top of the larger stones from the Lemurian epoch. The early-Atlantean stones are found mainly in the Middle Mountain band of megalithic sites.
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Bulgaria Pyramid
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