The Stone Circle of Dolni Glavanak

Dolni Glavanak is a stone circle standing on top of a pyramidal formation. At Dolni Glavanak there are 2 epochs of megalith building. The stone circle is made from Atlantean stones whilst the base is made from larger Lemurian stones.

The Stone Circle of Dolni Glavanak


The megalithic sites of the Rhodope

The stone circle of Dolni Glavanak is located in the Eastern Rhodope.

The neighbouring sites

Dolni Glavanak and the surrounding Eastern Rhodope has a high density of megalithic sites, many of which have not yet been visited and added to the inventory. Some are already inventorised:



The stone circle is built at 300 metres elevation which is similar to other megalithic sites in the Rhodope region.


Whilst most of the stones of the circle are still standing the pyramidal formation on which they stand seems heavily eroded by water as if it had been under water or battered by tidal waves over a long period of time.

The difference in erosion patterns between the standing stones and the base is a tell-tale sign of the epochs at which each type of stone was made.

Design of the pyramid

The stone circle is just the top of a larger megalithic site that seems to have 2 summits.

Specific rock formations

Dolni Glavanak is characterized by the circle of standing stones.


The megalithic site is aligned North-West to South-East.

It is unclear if the stone circle itself is aligned East.


The stone circle stands on a pyramidal formation that seems to have several levels. This aspect requires further measurements preferably with LiDAR.


The size of stones

There are 2 sizes of stones at Dolni Glavanak the smaller standing stones and the much larger that form the base of the megalithic site.

The shape of the stones

The standing stones that form the circle give the impression that a group of giants came together in a pow wow before being petrified for eternity. It is the image of a bygone epoch of humanity.

Periods of construction

There are 2 distinct period of stone construction at Dolni Glavanak. The earlier period can be associated with the Lemurian epoch is the overall pyramidal formation and the large stones that form the base of the megalithic site.

The standing stones that form the circle date to a later period that can be associated with the early-Atlantean epoch of pyramid building.

Inclination of the stones

The standing stones of the circle are positioned upright rather than inclined towards the Sun. It could be a sign of a later period of construction.


Type of stone

The stones of Dolni Glavanak are made from red granite composite. It is a red clay composite that contains quartz crystals. The same type of stone is found in the region at Studen Kladenets and Gnyazdovo.

The Stone Circle of Dolni Glavanak
Article Name
The Stone Circle of Dolni Glavanak
Publisher Name
Bulgaria Pyramid
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