Quartz is found in the granite stone at most megalithic sites in Bulgaria to the exception of some locations in the East of Bulgaria where limestone is used.

Quartz is found in the cement mix that makes up the granite stone. The concentration of quartz varies from site to site as does the colour of the granite which varies from black to grey to yellow and pink.
Quartz is also found inlaid in granite megaliths in parallel lines. Like a stone sandwich veins of quartz are layered in granite.
At the base of some pyramids we find lines of quartz that form a grid that underpins the entire structure.
In Rozovets like most megalithic sites in the Middle Mountain quartz granules form the cement composite of the megaliths.
On the ground we see the result of erosion as the megaliths have been turned into a gravel of quartz granules.
At the Double Pyramid of Bania the base of the edifice is composed of grey granite with a high density of quartz.
And the Pyramid of Stryama like Rozovets, we find grid lines of quartz that underpin the edifice like a grid.
What is the role of quartz?
Quartz is known to conduct energy. It plays a fundamental role at all levels of the megalithic network in Bulgaria. Each stone made from granite, from the smallest boulder to the largest megalith, contains quartz.
What this tells us is that…
Horizontally quartz distributes energy across the network of megalithic sites.
Quartz energises the pyramids.
The alignments of clusters of megalithic formations like in Rozovets span several kilometres to distribute energy on an even bigger scale.
And on an even larger scale we see latitudinal bands of megalithic sites across hundreds of km that span the Bulgarian mountains.
Quartz distributes energy horizontally across Bulgaria.
Vertically the pyramids made from quartz granite act as nodes in the network. They channel energy between Earth’s core below and the Universe above. The flow of energy is circular. It flows both ways, up and down. The ancient Egyptians tried to reproduce this effect with the obelisks at Heliopolis.
Quartz facilitates the flow of energy both horizontally and vertically.
How did the pyramid builders know about quartz?
Quartz is purposefully used at the pyramids and megaliths of Bulgaria. Both Lemurian and Atlantean civilisations understood the power of quartz.
Rudolf Steiner enlightens us with his reading of the Akasha Chronicle in the series of lectures: Cosmic Memory, Prehistory of Earth and Man. He explains HOW the pyramid builders understood quartz, its properties and how to use it.
The Lemurian [..] understood plants and animals in their inner action and life. He even understood the physical and chemical forces of lifeless objects in the same way. p.70
The Lemurian like the Atlantean at the later epoch could feel the power of quartz. He knew how to harness it to serve his purpose.
The intention of the pyramid builders was to connect Earth and Man to the Sun and cosmos. Just like plants the megaliths and the pyramids point up as if to reach for the Sun. They remind us of sunflowers. Megaliths are inclined to absorb the Sun, whilst pyramids are aligned to the Sun.
We have to emphasize that the Lemurians and Atlanteans that built the pyramids and megalithic sites we still see today did not plan their construction. They did not have the capacity for conceptual thought. They had not developed language as we know it.
Their knowledge was intuitive. They felt the spirit of matter. They had an atavistic clairvoyance that connected them to the universe and guided them in their endeavours.
A Lemurian […] had tools, erected buildings […] this he owed not to his own powers of conception, but to a mental force in him, which was instinctive. p.47
The buildings that Rudolf Steiner references are probably the pyramids we see today. The impulse for their construction came from above because the purpose was to cherish the pouring down of cosmic harmony from above like the rays of the sun.
They looked into the creative workshop of nature. They experienced a communion with the beings which built the world itself. One can call this communication an association with the gods. p.75
The pyramid builders knew how to use quartz instinctively and they used it to connect Earth to the cosmic realm.
It explains why we find the golden ratio, the divine proportion, in large pyramidal formations like the rampart of Sopot and the Double Pyramid of Ostrets that probably date to the Lemurian epoch. And the standing stones at Double Pyramid of Bania and Sokolitsa that date to the Atlantean epoch also reflect the golden ratio.
What does quartz tell us about our origins?
The veins of quartz that run through the granite megaliths and underpin the structure of pyramids are like chlorophyll in plants and the veins in our bodies that carry blood.
At the micro-level quartz as a key element in granite can be compared to haemoglobin, the red globules that carry oxygen through the body and the chlorophyll in the plants that transports water and nutrients to the leaves to absorb the rays of the Sun.
At a macro-level quartz connects Earth and sky. Pyramids and megaliths rise like plants to reach out for the Sun.
The plants like humans need the Sun to live. We are attracted and pulled upwards towards the Sun both physically like plants and spiritually as humans, the pinnacle of creation.
Quartz creates the vertical connection between Earth and Sun. And remnants of quartz are found both in plants and the human body.
The echo reverberates deep within us.
Our bodies have a vascular and nervous system that look vegetal like the branches of a tree. There is a larger stem in the centre and thinner branches at the extremities. Plants like humans are designed in a similar way. We share a similar position between Earth and Sun.
Rudolf Steiner supplements modern scientific research with spiritual scientific knowledge in his series of lectures From Limestone to Lucifer. He explains how stones are the current petrified state of what existed as plants during an earlier epoch when conditions on Earth were very different from today. Air and water density were different and matter was not as hard as we know it today. Human bodies like stone were more malleable. It is only progressively from the Lemurian epoch onwards that matter hardened to the rigid state we experience now.
The vascular and nervous systems are the legacy of this ancient epoch of humanity. And so are the veins of quartz in the granite. Plants are the reminder of this earlier state. In our shared memory, across the globe, the quest for paradise lost, the Garden of Eden, harks back to this early epoch of humanity when our bodies were plant-like. Whether it is Rousseau looking for the good savage or yoga practices that nurture the vegetal body, or the dream of Jannah, the lush green gardens of paradise in the Coranic tradition, we are always looking back to this bygone epoch when we fully experienced our vegetal state and were free from the heaviness of our mineral body. Our hope is to rise, like Jesus on the cross, from body to spirit, from Earth to Sun..
And just like the chlorophyll in plants is pushed up by the nutrients in the ground and pulled up by the Sun to grow. So the blood pumping through our veins comes from the heart towards our extremities. The Earth is the heart that pumped the energy through the quartz veins into the pyramids to reach for the sky.
Quartz tells us why the pyramids were built and how. It also tells when they were built. The pyramid builders belonged to an early epoch of humanity that still had clairvoyant access to the forces that created Earth and Man.
Quartz tells us about our cosmic origins and destiny.

Transcript of the documentary on Quartz at the pyramids of Bulgaria
Quartz conducts energy through stones like blood carries oxygen through the body.
Talking to stones… and listening to quartz at the pyramids of Bulgaria.
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Where is quartz found?
Quartz is present at most megalithic sites in Bulgaria. It is found in the cement mix that makes up the granite stone. In Rozovets for example we see the result of erosion as the megaliths have been turned into a gravel of quartz granules.
The concentration of quartz varies from site to site as does the colour of the granite which varies from black to grey to yellow and pink. At the Double Pyramid of Bania the base of the edifice is composed of grey granite with a high density of quartz whilst in Hisaria nearby we find more pink quartz.
Quartz is also inlaid in granite megaliths. Parallel veins of quartz are layered in granite like a stone sandwich.
And at many sites like the Pyramid of Stryama, Gradishte, Kribul and Rozovets there is a grid of quartz lines that underpins the entire structure.
What is the role of quartz?
Quartz is known to conduct energy. It plays a fundamental role at all levels of the megalithic network in Bulgaria. Each stone made from granite, from the smallest boulder to the largest megalith, contains quartz.
The stones talk to us. They tell us that…
Horizontally quartz distributes energy across the land.
The grids of quartz lines that underpin pyramids energise the entire structure.
And the alignments of clusters of megaliths like in Rozovets span several kilometres to distribute energy across the entire site.
And on an even larger scale we see latitudinal bands of megalithic sites across the Bulgarian mountains that stretch for hundreds of kilometres.
Horizontally quartz distributes energy across the entire country. And maybe the Bulgarian pyramid network is just one part of a greater global network that energises planet Earth.
Vertically the pyramids made from quartz granite act as nodes in the network. They channel energy between Earth’s core below and the Universe above. The flow goes both ways. The ancient Egyptians tried to reproduce this effect with the obelisks at Heliopolis.
Quartz plays an elemental role in the flow of energy both horizontally and vertically
In Kribul Bulgaria at the summit of a pyramidal formation there is a rock face that dates back to the Lemurian epoch. On top of this promontory there is an oval, head-shaped megalith that sits at the centre of at least 4 veins of quartz. It is also inlaid with quartz.
People from all over Bulgaria come to this location to seek help for ill-health by practicing ancient rituals. They pass through the stones and leave clothes attached to the trees, believing in the regenerative powers of the area.
How did the pyramid builders know about quartz?
Quartz is purposefully used at the pyramids and megaliths of Bulgaria. Both Lemurian and early-Atlantean civilisations understood its power.
Rudolf Steiner enlightens us with his reading of the Akasha Chronicle in the series of lectures: Cosmic Memory, Prehistory of Earth and Man. He explains HOW the pyramid builders understood quartz, its properties and how to use it.
The Lemurian [..] understood plants and animals in their inner action and life. He even understood the physical and chemical forces of lifeless objects in the same way. p.70
The Lemurian like the Atlantean at the later epoch could feel the power of quartz. He knew how to harness it to serve his purpose.
The intention of the pyramid builders was to connect Earth and Man to the Sun and cosmos.
Megaliths like plants point up to reach for the Sun. They remind us of sunflowers. Many megaliths are even inclined backwards as if to absorb the Sun. And pyramids are aligned towards the Sun.
We have to emphasize that the Lemurians and Atlanteans that built the pyramids and megalithic sites we still see today did not plan their construction. They did not have the capacity for conceptual thought. They had not developed language as we know it.
Their knowledge was intuitive. They felt the spirit of matter. They had an atavistic clairvoyance that connected them to the universe and guided them in their endeavours.
A Lemurian […] had tools, erected buildings […] this he owed not to his own powers of conception, but to a mental force in him, which was instinctive. p.47
The buildings that Rudolf Steiner references are probably the pyramids we see today. The impulse for their construction came from above because the purpose was to cherish the pouring down of cosmic harmony like the rays of the sun.
They looked into the creative workshop of nature. They experienced a communion with the beings which built the world itself. One can call this communication an association with the gods. p.75
The pyramid builders knew how to use quartz instinctively and they used it to connect Earth to the cosmic realm.
What does quartz tell us about our origins?
At the macro-level quartz is the element that creates the vertical connection between Earth and Sun. Plants like humans are designed in a similar way. The vascular and nervous system look like the branches of a tree. They have a larger stem in the centre and thinner branches at the extremities.
The veins that carry blood in our body are like the veins in plants that carry chlorophyll. And the quartz veins in granite are just a petrified version that conducts energy through the stone.
At the micro-level quartz as a key element in granite can be compared to haemoglobin, the red globules that carry oxygen through the body and the chlorophyll in the plants that transports water and nutrients to the leaves. And there is a reverse flow from the extremities to the core to absorb sunlight both in plants and humans.
And trace elements of quartz in the form of silica are actually found in blood and chlorophyll.
Plants like humans are attracted to the Sun. They are pulled up physically. Humans, the pinnacle of creation, are also pulled up spiritually.
The stones remind us of our mission on Earth. It is enshrined in our constitution whilst the echo of cosmic harmony reverberates deep within us.
Rudolf Steiner supplements modern scientific research with spiritual scientific knowledge in his series of lectures From Limestone to Lucifer. He explains how stones are the current petrified state of what existed as plants during an earlier epoch when conditions on Earth were very different from today. Air and water density were different and matter was not as hard as we know it now. Human bodies like stone were more malleable. It is only progressively from the Lemurian epoch onwards that matter hardened to the rigid state we experience now.
The vascular and nervous systems are the legacy of this ancient epoch of humanity. And so are the veins of quartz in the granite. Plants today are a reminder of an early stage of creation
And in our shared memory, across the globe, the quest for paradise lost lingers. The Garden of Eden, Xanadu, Jannah, the lush green gardens of paradise in the Coranic tradition hark back to this early epoch of humanity when our bodies were plant-like. This quest is echoed in yoga practices that nurture the vegetal body. We are always looking back to this bygone epoch when we fully experienced our vegetal state and were free from the heaviness of our mineral body. Our hope now is to rise, like Jesus on the cross, from matter to spirit, from Earth to Sun.
Quartz tells us about our cosmic origins and our destiny. It is a reminder of the earthly mission of humanity.
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