The position of the pyramids

The position of the Bulgarian pyramids talks to us by their design. The elevation, erosion patterns, sheer size and cardinal alignments. All these features are the letters that make up the message.

Megalith with pyramid in the background

Supersize pyramids
The pyramids found in Bulgaria have different shapes and size. But in general they are massive. Stryama like in Ostrets is 5 times the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is often difficult to comprehend what was built and modeled by the pyramid builders and what is a result of natural tectonic activity.

But Rudolf Steiner helps us answer this quandary. He explains that atmospheric conditions on earth at the time of the Lemurians and early Atlanteans were very different from today. Air was denser and water was thinner. And maybe gravity too. The conditions were favourable for the fashioning of large structures.

Perperikon surrounded by other sites

Also the Lemurians and early Atlanteans had the capacity to complete nature’s work. They understood the inner force that exists in both living and lifeless objects like stone. And they could harness the forces of nature to transform it on a gargantuan scale.


All the megalithic sites in Bulgaria are built on higher ground above 200m elevation and most often 300-400 metres above sea level.

It tells us that the pyramid builders p[robably lived in a water world where sea levels were much higher and flood events more frequent.


The pyramids usually have levels. In Ostrets there seems to be 5 levels. Some are more important than others as if there was one base that was located much higher than the current base of the pyramid which could have been at the time under water.


Megalithic sites that are closest to the Black Sea basin such as those in the Eastern Rhodope show signs of heavy erosion compared to those further inland in the Middle Mountain and North of the Central Balkan.

Design of the pyramid

The pyramidal shape of these megalithic sites with the large base and a summit pointing towards the sky tells us that the builders had an awareness of the heavens above. They were aiming for the sky. They had a special connection with the Universe.

In Sopot and Ostrets we find similar inclines to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza 52 degrees which is an expression of the golden ratio. The harmony of the cosmic order.

And we find this same harmony in the angles of the lines of quartz blocks that are set in the granite stones.

There is movement in the design of the double pyramids of Bania, Ostrets, Pazderite and Pesnopoy. They look like 2 waves moving towards the Sun. The builders knew of the planetary dance. The Bulgarian pyramid builders felt the rhythm of the cosmic order in a way that we have lost.


The alignment of the pyramids in Bulgaria is off exact cardinal alignments by a few degrees, usually between 5 and 20 degrees.

The alignments of the Double pyramids in Bulgaria vary between 20 and 25 degrees. They do not match Earth’s current precessional tilt. Earth’s precessional tilt is around 23.5 degrees today. But there is evidence that it has varied between 20 and 25 degrees at different epochs.

Again Steiner helps make sense of the pyramid builders’ understanding of Earth’s position in relation to the Sun and planets. The Lemurians and early Atlanteanswere infused by the divine. They felt and reflected cosmic harmony as they cultivated divine wisdom and art.

The position of the pyramids
Article Name
The position of the pyramids
The Bulgarian pyramids talk to us by their design, their elevation, erosion patterns, size and cardinal alignments.
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Bulgaria Pyramid
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